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Royalty Free Letters


Use the royalty free letters below to explain your situation to the Taxman. Just copy and paste them into your own letter format and insert your circumstances into the appropriate areas. Change the text as you wish. We will continue to add more letters in the coming months. The forwarding to us of any correspondence from the Taxman in regards to these letters would be greatly appreciated!


LETTER TO THE TAXMAN FORM ETFTTMUSA (Extended Time for Trip To Mexico)

Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name)
Street Address (Replace with Citizen's address)
City, State, Zip (Replace with Citizen's City, State, Zip)

Internal Revenue Service 1040 Easy Street. (Or other originating office) Revenue, CA 91099 (Or other originating City, State, Zip)

Date (Use appropriate date and year)


Dear Taxman,

I fervently ask for your sympathy in regards to my situation regarding the flight of my (insert mechanic, plumber, contractor, repair man or appropriate service provider here) south of the border of these great United States to care for the needs of his/her (insert cousin, mother, sister, niece or appropriate relative/friend here) which you must agree with me that is a selfless and very admirable and honorable gesture.


In lieu of the absence that my (insert mechanic, plumber, contractor, repair man or appropriate service provider here) has voided me thus, I request to be granted the time I feel I will need to put my affairs in order, sans any fees or penalties, using what I feel is a fair and equitable trip allotment of three weeks for such matters. I would hope that should I need more time, or should my (insert mechanic, plumber, contractor, repair man or appropriate service provider here) need more time, that you would afford me an extension as per my request.

With immeasurable dignity,


Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name)


:end letter
LETTER TO THE TAXMAN FORM ETFTTMUSA Prepared by Simon Shenbetter /Permission Granted Reorder on

Chris Plante©2013





(Extended Time for Tension Due to World Events)

Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name)
Street Address (Replace with Citizen's address)
City, State, Zip (Replace with Citizen's City, State, Zip)

Internal Revenue Service 1040 Easy Street. (Or other originating office) Revenue, CA 91099 (Or other originating City, State, Zip)

Date (Use appropriate date and year)


Dear Taxman,


I am requesting that the IRS extend sympathy and penalty free extensions due to my situation regarding the tension I truly feel in my physical and spiritual frame due to unsettling past, recent, and projected future world events, a very debilitating type of stress that knows no class, race, gender, orientation, economic status, or religious affiliation, I might add.


In lieu of my condition, and with all you sympathies expected, I request the time I feel I will need to put my affairs in order, which I assume will be in a period of eighteen weeks for a matter such as this. I would hope that should I need more time, or should a Medical Professional or Doctor of Homeopathy, Witchcraft, Herboligist, or other Practitioner of Alternative Medicine advise such, please allow me the privilege of extended time upon my graciously extended time.


With deep appreciation,


Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name) :end letter

LETTER TO THE TAXMAN FORM ETFTDTWEUSA Prepared by Simon Shenbetter / Used by Permission Reorder on
Chris Plante©2013



LETTER TO THE TAXMAN FORM ETFSDTNETUSA (Extended Time for Stress Due to Not Enough Time)

Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name)
Street Address (Replace with Citizen's address)
City, State, Zip (Replace with Citizen's City, State, Zip)

Internal Revenue Service 1040 Easy Street. (Or other originating office) Revenue, CA 91099 (Or other originating City, State, Zip) Date (Use appropriate date and year)

Dear Taxman,


I am requesting that the IRS extend understanding, empathy, and penalty free extensions due to my situation regarding the stress I am impaired with during these unsettling times. This stress is brought upon my physical frame and upon my mental state by a myriad of seen and unseen events from the present, past and unforeseen future. It has caused me to presently be incapable of preparing my taxes for the year(s) (insert year or years here) until some time in the future. I know not when. A medical examiner, Dr. Doepkea Chandriaghriupa, has diagnosed my stress and has firmly prohibited me from any activities that might worsen my condition. I am sure that you and your office will understand my predicament.

In lieu of this temporary irk, and with all your understanding expected, I request the time I feel I will need to put my affairs in order, which Dr. Chandriaghriupa has determined will be no less than a period of forty-seven weeks for a matter such as my condition. I would hope that should I need more time, or should Dr. Chandriaghriupa advise such, please allow me the privilege of extended time upon my graciously extended time.


With undulant respect,


Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name) :end letter

LETTER TO THE TAXMAN FORM ETFSDTNETUSA Prepared by Simon Shenbetter / Used by Permission Reorder on
Chris Plante©2013


LETTER TO THE TAXMAN FORM ETFSAUSA (Extended Time for Simply Asking)

Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name)
Street Address (Replace with Citizen's address)
City, State, Zip (Replace with Citizen's City, State, Zip)

Internal Revenue Service 1040 Easy Street. (Or other originating office) Revenue, CA 91099 (Or other originating City, State, Zip) Date (Use appropriate date and year)

Dear Taxman,


I am requesting that the IRS extend extra penalty free time beyond the already benevolent extensions afforded every citizen, in order that I may thoroughly compile and complete my taxes for the year(s) (insert year or years here) as I simply do not have enough time to prepare them. There is no explanation, other than that of a clock that ticks faster than I can muster up the necessary financial data you unjustly want (that is a different subject, one that I will not get into in this letter) and as a result I have simply run out of time. I am sure that you and your office will understand my situation.

In the midst of this bind, and with your full understanding graciously appreciated beforehand, I thank you for this extra time and wish you and yours the prosperity that can be had in these great United States.


With Patriotic Euphoria,


Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name) :end letter

Prepared by Simon Shenbetter / Used by Permission
Reorder on
Chris Plante©2013


LETTER TO THE TAXMAN FORM ETFENAFOTCUSA (Extended Time for Events Not At Fault of Taxpaying Citizen)

Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name)
Street Address (Replace with Citizen's address)
City, State, Zip (Replace with Citizen's City, State, Zip)

Internal Revenue Service 1040 Easy Street. (Or other originating office) Revenue, CA 91099 (Or other originating City, State, Zip) Date (Use appropriate date and year)

Dear Taxman,

I am requesting that the IRS extend extra penalty free time beyond the already thankfully accepted extensions afforded every citizen, so that I may thoroughly compile and complete my taxes for the year(s) (insert year or years here) as events completely not my fault have occurred in the past, present, and most likely will occur in the future that have impeded my ability to compile, prepare, and package my taxes for the year(s) (insert year or years here) which I understand you need not only in entirety but error free. Because of these events, some known, some unknown but real, and some expected, which in the metaphysical sense is real according to various robed and bearded gurus of the metaphysical sciences, their works proudly framed and heralded at my local Buddhist Temple, I am requesting extra time and thanking you in advance for that extra time (please take note this is extra penalty free time) to compile that which you seek.

With chants appropriate to the matter of financial trinkets in the palms of all Americans, I extend my praises to those in your office, and you yourself, and acclaim "good, good!" in the matter thus.


With blessings from the rooftops and valleys of the homeland,


Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name) :end letter

LETTER TO THE TAXMAN FORM ETFENAFOTCUSA Prepared by Simon Shenbetter / Used by Permission Reorder on
Chris Plante©2013



Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name)
Street Address (Replace with Citizen's address)
City, State, Zip (Replace with Citizen's City, State, Zip)

Internal Revenue Service 1040 Easy Street. (Or other originating office) Revenue, CA 91099 (Or other originating City, State, Zip) Date (Use appropriate date and year)

Dear Taxman,


I am requesting that the IRS personally extend this particular citizen, name referenced above, a plentiful amount of penalty free time surpassing the already appreciatively accepted extensions afforded all inhabitants of these great United States in order that this particular citizen may successfully compile in entirety those taxes due to the United States Treasury for the year(s) (insert year or years here) in accordance with the responsibilities expected such. (An extra thirty six months would be adequate, I think). The reason hereby stated for such request is a lack of
time to compile due to circumstances unseen. Now I know that this reason may seem slightly broad, but I assure you that it is very specific in the sense that it ultimately results in the same lack of productivity that a reason more specific in nature and stated herein, if one were available,

would produce in the realm of non-production.

Thanks beforehand for your considerate extensions without full disclosure. You and your staff are immeasurable in your understanding of the human predicament.


Very truly yours in the human experience,


Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name) :end letter


Prepared by Simon Shenbetter / Used by Permission Reorder on

Chris Plante©2013



LETTER TO THE TAXMAN FORM ETFUETUSA (Extended Time for Undue Emotional Trauma)

Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name)
Street Address (Replace with Citizen's address)
City, State, Zip (Replace with Citizen's City, State, Zip)

Internal Revenue Service 1040 Easy Street. (Or other originating office) Revenue, CA 91099 (Or other originating City, State, Zip)

Date (Use appropriate date and year)


Dear Taxman,


I am requesting that the Internal Revenue Service, a complex and admirable institution, I might add, grant me an extension beyond the very thoughtful extension already granted others who inhabit this great land. I have come upon a paralytic onset of emotional trauma that I can neither explain or shake, even with the help of my dedicated advisor, Rahiwanna, (I think I am spelling her name right) who works as a part time healer at Swahinni Health Systems, LLC, a concern that rents space in a converted church located just around the corner from my home. Rahiwanna has me popping fifteen homeopathic pills every ten minutes throughout the day from sunrise to sunset and seven and a half pills at one-fifteen each morning while in direct moonlight or at least under a clear sky where the moon can fill the pills with its energy. The pills are quite small and as a result very difficult to cut in a perfect half, which she has me doing with a specially designed knife sporting a gilded handle carved in rosewood and set with rubies. It is an expensive knife which she made me rent for an amount that would surely cover the cost of a nice luxury car. But she insists that the expense is necessary and that I will thank her later.

As a result I am sure you will grant me the time needed, which I expect will be no more that 51 months, as this is just a few more months longer than the amount of time Rahiwanna says I should rent the knife for, which also corresponds to the amount of time she tells me she financed her new convertible Mercedes for, after which time Rahiwanna, with the full backing of Swahinni Health Systems, LLC, will release me of my obligations and pronounce me fully healed. I expect that upon being pronounced thus I will then have the full capability of sitting down and compiling the necessary information that the Internal Revenue Service will require.


With advanced applause to your understanding of the human condition,

Taxpaying Citizen (Replace with Citizen's name) :end letter

Prepared by Simon Shenbetter / Used by Permission Reorder on

Chris Plante©2013





















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